Saturday, March 21, 2009

Fear and Loathing in D.C.

For weeks now the White House has been claiming that Obama's stimulus and new budget (more money then was spent from George Washington to George W. Bush) would increase the federal deficit to "only" $6.96 Trillion dollars, and they used OMB numbers to back that estimate up.

Well, THE standard in evaluating government spending, the non partisan CBO - Congressional Budget Office - says that the number, given Obama's budget, will actually be a devastating $9.3 TRILLION by 2019, and that's with a recovered (growing by 4% a year) economy factored in starting in 2010! A full $2.3 trillion more then he has been promising. Even the Democrat controlled (represented in the chairman's comments today) Senate Budget Committee said today that "hundreds of billions must be trimmed" because such a number is "unsustainable." His minority member colleague even went so far as to say this would "guarantee the financial failure of our country."

But guess what? The White House, via the White House press secretary - "family guy" Gibbs, says: "this changes nothing." They are going ahead as planned. And the real kicker is, and I'm giving a close paraphrase, they know something the CBO doesn't - the positive impact the president's "stimulus" bill will have, causing greater tax receipts. AND GET THIS - he still claims those receipts will allow him to cut the deficit by 2/3rds in the next 4 years!

What fantasy world is this? What acid trip are they on? All sense of reality has been abandoned. The inmates aren't just running the asylum, they're calling it a day spa and charging admission all while smiling like the Cheshire Cat.

And by the way Barry - at least when Bush was a source of comedy it was derived from his mangled words . . . rather then from making fun of mangled genes.

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