Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's time I confessed...


I've been unfaithful... I have strayed... I have cheated.

I know things have been busy for everyone. Jambo makes his big family trip to the Great White North, Baddboy with two jobs and a family of his own, and Ryan with his sun-tanning and phone texting (hehe... just kidding). Anyway, I know it explains why the Bund has been so slow lately.

But, I have found another venue to vent my political angst... another outlet for my need to debate while the Bund gathers it's strength... Conservative Punk. It's a bit daunting facing off against kids (literally) half my age, still in school and full of the indoctrination our colleges and universities stuff into impressionable young minds... but it does force one to hone the debate skills, I can tell you that!

So, why the confession?

The DAMN discussion board for is DOWN now for three days... just as I had the final and irrefutable argument against Ayn Rand and her Objectivist "rand-roids" ready to show that faith and the belief in God still have relevance in today's world!

I'm board shitless... so let's pick a fight here.

Somebody start a beef about something we KNOW we don't agree on... and stop posting crap about stuff no rational person could possibly debate, like "Obama is an idiot" or "Congress is WRONG" or "Bin Laden is a bad man"... PLEASE!!!!!

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