Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Screw me? Fire down, Pocohontas...

I meant that the issue comes up from the residents of DC... not either of the parties in question. Just like statehood for Puerto Rico, it comes up... and fades away. I do not deny that this Congress, with the obvious drive for power that Reid and Pelosi have in mind, may try even harder than ususal to cement their control of government by creating a new House seat via the District, but they do not have the super-majority, and it is rapidly becoming appearant that the Reid/Pelosi show isn't getting any more viewers simply because Obama is in the White House. Congressional approval is still at an all-time low.

As far as the "Founding Fathers" intentions regarding the representation of the District... I, too, trust their judgment, but I find the argument that when they formed the District and laid out the framework for its function, they probably didn't expect the population of the District to exceed the combined total of the five most populus colonies in 1776, which it does today at just under 600,000 people, and all of them unrepresented in Congress.

Just my thoughts though... no one is asking you to become an ideologue or expecting you to begin to "tow the line" the way you did not all that long ago...

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