Tuesday, March 24, 2009

You know what really pisses me off?

I'm right and no one will ever know it.

I was reading back posts of the Bund, looking for the criteria for the Presidential report cards and came across the energy debates circa April 2008. We were entrenched in the oil/gasoline prices at the time, $4 a gallon gas, etc. and the embryonic stages of my New Deal 2008 plan. (What twisted connotations ring with THAT title now, not even a year later!)Remember how everyone EXCEPT ME balked at the idea of the federal government spending 30 BILLION dollars for private home owner power generation over the span of a four year term? Remember how this money would be recovered in a decade because the initial money was SBA style loans? Remember why this could NEVER HAPPEN because 1) The feds had no place instigating that kind of policy, that was PRIVATE sector responsibility, and 2) There were better ways of spending 30 Billion?

Good freaking Lord how good does that plan sound now?

An honest to God stimulus action that would WORK. It A) pays for itself and B) funnels money BACK into the economy in two ways. Way number one, jobs in the creation of the devices (solar panels, wind powered generators) and their installation and two, money saved from power bills becomes discretionary income going to goods and services.

When this is all over we're going to have a federal government that won't spend a DIME more than it has to because it WON'T BE ABLE TO. 6.9 trillion is going to take a while to pay off. Maybe my grandkids will see a balanced budget and no deficit.

My plan WOULD HAVE WORKED! And we'll never know.

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