Monday, March 2, 2009

Let's talk about something NEW...

The question about DC's Congressional representation is one that rears it's head at least once every eight years, and it has since at least 1955. There is no question in my mind that Democrats are championing this now to solidify their control on political power in Congress... but this is almost obvious in its reasoning, and I would expect the GOP to do the same thing, were DC a traditionally "conservative" voting area... and I would expect Ryan to do the same thing, were he a resident of DC.

But I want to discuss a more surprising trend in American legislative politics... and that is the "Tenth Amendment Movement" currently sweeping the State legislatures across the country.

The number of States with resolutions pending is now at about 20, and this is a trend that will continue to grow, I am sure. Some of these resolutions are very succinct in their wording, too... OK and MN being among the most direct (yes, I said MN... home of Mondale, Wellstone, and the DFL Senator Al Franken). MO's HR 212 (which was replaced with HR 294, that removed Obama's name from the text of the bill) is way more specific in it's focus, but does still call for a recognition by the Federal government of the sovereignty of the individual States under the Tenth Amendment.

So, why this urge to re-assert the sovereignty of States NOW?

Think back to our last Democratic President. Clinton's first address to the nation has been quoted here (quite often, in fact) because he promised that "big government ends now"... something he failed to do. As did his predecessor, Bush Sr. and his replacement, Bush Jr. In fact, NO President in the last 100 years has actually REDUCED the size of government, and only 3 have reduced the rate at which that government grows (Truman, Ike and Reagan, with Reagan being the most successful). So, what is different now?

No President has ever made it his GOAL to increase the size and scope of Federal control the way Obama has. He PROMISES higher taxes, he PROMISES more programs, he PROMISES more spending. This Administration is making "tax and spend" its moniker... loudly and proudly. He has DOUBLED the national deficit in his first 50 days, and has now submitted a budget that will DOUBLE that next year, with the added burden that Federal funding for the majority of these programs and funds will end, and the States will be left with the job of paying for them through higher local taxes... taxes the individual States might not want to impose, but that Federal mandates will FORCE them to impose.

In the past, I have advocated a position that no Administration can avoid "moderation" and "compromise" once it takes office... but Obama is advocating real change, and I am delighted that the States are standing up and saying NO to change they do not think is in their best interest.

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