Thursday, March 26, 2009

The "Left's" fundemental failing...

It occurred to me today as I was reading the latest headlines and news articles that the Left in this country is working under a very powerful but equally erroneous assumption:

That the Federal Government of the United States was established by the Founding Fathers to rule the nation and its citizens.

This is, quite simply and without question, NOT the case.

The United States Constitution was written and adopted by the various States to ensure that the laws, limits and regulations established within it dictated just how far the federal government could go WITHOUT interfering with the sovereign and independent authority of the individual States that make up the United States. In short, it details how far the Feds can go... and establishes very clearly that they can go no further. To ensure that no particular Branch of government can exceed these limits, all three branches were given separate but equal authority to "check and balance" the authorities of the other two branches.

The presumed assumption on the part of the Left today that, given the popularity of the Democratic Party in American politics, the agenda and intentions of the DNC must be the agenda and the intentions of the entire nation is not only FALSE, but inherently WRONG, as well.

We are NOT a democracy. No matter how much anyone (including some of Ryan's past rants) may want to use that term to describe the American system of Government... we are simply NOT a democracy. We are a REPUBLIC, and thus, we DO NOT vote for or elect "rulers" or "leaders"... we elect REPRESENTATIVES who enforce the laws, limits and regulations as defined in the Constitution or legislatively enact the same. The "Rule of Law" is not established in this country by RULERS or LEADERS, no matter if they are elected or not... it is established by the Constitution of the United States and by the individual and sovereign States that make up that Union. Anything to the contrary, in opinion or fact, is simply the failure of the people of the United States to realise and maintain that REPUBLIC and its make up.

Were the "majority" opinion or voice to be the only deciding factor of RULE in this country, as it would be in a true democracy, then the majority of voters could, conceivably, vote to legalize rape (or child pornography, or any one of a hundred other obviously heinous crimes) with no recourse for the "victims" rights or the minority voice. As the Framers managed it, though... the Rule of Law is established by the Constitution, and NOT by rulers and leaders, elected or otherwise.

I can offer no greater evidence to this FACT than to point to each and every Oath of Office taken by every President, Governor, Senator, Representative, Secretary, or Military Officer since the country. No one ever takes the Oath to defend and protect the United States, or its leaders, or its government, or its citizens... they "swear to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" and nothing else.

Our nation, our government... our very society is instituted on the IDEAL of the "republic"... not on the "idea" of democracy, or majority rule, or anything of the sort. We function or fail as a nation with the common understanding of this premise.

Does anyone else see a fundamental failure on the part of the Left to recognize this? Or am I, once again, preaching to the choir?

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