Thursday, April 12, 2012

Just one more...

Ryan wrote:  " In every measurable way - apart from an open hostility to Christianity - the two men (Obama and FDR) are cut from the same ideological cloth."

I disagree in one more very important area than just Christianity.

I think FDR knew this country was great, before he came to office, while he was in office and all that would come after he left office.  FDR was proud to be an American, and he was able to instill that pride and confidence in the American people in a way that Obama never will be able to.  Did FDR ever fail to salute the flag?  Would he have refused to where a lapel pin?  Would he not put his hand over his heart?  Did he hesitate to say the Pledge of Allegiance in its entirety? (I'm not even sure the Pledge existed then... but that's a side note)

He proposed the "second bill of rights" in 1944 to further guarantee the economic and fiscal equality of all Americans as they conducted their lives and followed the "pursuit of happiness"... but he didn't ever suggest that the Constitution was "flawed" or that it was a "charter of negative liberties".  Yes, he did try and stack the SCotUS... and was soundly bitch-slapped by both the Court and the American public opinion polls.  That was the ONLY time he chose to cross the SCotUS... otherwise, he played nice whenever they shot down his programs or policies.

I won't now, nor have I ever berated Obama for taking shots at either Congress or the Supreme Court when things haven't gone his way... it is what I would do, I can promise you that.  My problem with Obama is that he has, from the very start of his Presidential run, shown me that he doesn't like the US... that he isn't proud to be an American... and that he has little to no time for those that do like the US and what she stands for.

We don't need to reinvent the wheel... we just need to fix the wheels we have.  Obama wants to rewrite the books on more things than I care to imagine, and that is why I don't like him.  Perhaps FDR was the same way to those sitting in their living rooms listening to the fireside chats in 1933... I KNOW my paternal grandparents hated him, and continued to hate him well into the 1980s... but someone was voting for him in 1932, 1936, 1940, and 1944.  Can we discount that now, just because we don't like what his policies have become 80 years later?

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