Tuesday, November 13, 2012

On this, I can't argue...

As has been said before... Obama has all the earmarks of a true, classically defined "cult of personality".  More so than any other American President ever has, including Kennedy.

Now, is this something Obama has intentionally done?  I don't know.  I do know he does nothing to combat it... but who would?  His "fans" include some of the biggest names in the media today... and the vast majority of them work for major news outlets like MSNBC and CNN.  That is what is so painful, really... Obama doesn't have to do ANYTHING.  They do it all for him, every time the TV news is turned on in America.

I've always had issues with the "Reagan-ites" who drop to their knees and prostrate themselves at the mere mention of Ron Wilson's name... but I guess that can't be considered a "cult of personality" since he is no longer in office (and, in fact, no longer alive).  Perhaps Ron's legacy will one day include an "ism" similar to what Trotsky, Lenin, Mao, and Stalin had, so that the ideology that he espoused (or that is attributed to him today, whether he espoused it or not) can more readily associate itself with those seeking power and authority.  His "partner" in the Cold War, Margaret Thatcher, already has an "ism" that is routinely associated with the "conservative" attitude in Britain that demands further separation from the EU and globalism in general.  Perhaps that is more akin to "rose-tinted glasses" than personality cults, however.

Either way, objective analysis is out the window... especially in Obama's case.

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