Thursday, November 1, 2012

The liberal "disconnect"...

The famous (and now rather old) Carl Bernstein (of Watergate fame) wrote an article yesterday, and I read it.  I wanted to share my thoughts on Mr. Bernstein's story...

What a load of crap.

Common, Carl... seriously?  Romney is the latest "puppet" of the great and evil GOP machine?  Enslaved by the "radical" Tea Party faction of the conservative movement?  A true moderate that cannot but dance to the tugging of the Party strings?

I'll give you this much, Carl... Romney is a moderate at heart, no question.  So was Bush Jr. and John McCain was damn near a card-carrying Democrat.

So, even if the entire scope of your story is true (and I'm not suggesting it is, by any stretch), can you honestly tell me Obama hasn't made promises he'd rather not have made, to get where he is now?  He isn't in bed with the far-Left on such issues as ending the war in Iraq on a time table even he didn't like?  Or with the unions in Detroit, were the government bail-outs have entrenched union dependency even further than it already was (which contributed to the need for the bail-outs in the first place)?  Why were his opinion ratings so low (less than 45% in some areas) prior to elections in May?

Why is the simple, undeniable FACT that Kennedy's inaugural address is hand-in-glove with the entire conservative agenda today so utterly ignored by the likes of you and your friends?  Your claim that everything "conservative" strikes at the heart of all that has been accomplished since 1906 is simply not true... as untrue as Nixon claiming he's "not a crook".

1 comment:

F. Ryan said...


What is truly sad... Bernstein should be writing an op-ed scolding his younger collegues over the fact that within the traditional press there are no Woodwards and Bernsteins on the Libya scandal.