Thursday, February 26, 2009

The 51st state?

What is it about the current leadership of the Democrat Party (particularly: Obama, Reid & Pelosi) that allows for such an overflow of hubris? Contrary to the designs of men such as Adams, Franklin, and Jefferson,

Harry Reid has announced (forgive the break in the sentence - I simply could not fathom putting his name along side theirs) that because "we are the only country in the world that does not allow their capitol a vote" they are going to pass legislation giving a congressional seat to represent the District of Columbia. First, not "every country" in the world even has a representative vote dear Mr. Reid. Second, have you know idea why the founders designed it that way? It is not a state, not a region, but a "district" precisely because of Lord Actin's ominous warning: "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." The founders wanted no one state to have the advantage of the national capitol laying within its' borders, nor did they recognize a congressional seat from the district because power can and does function on proximity. Imagine a congressman or woman whose very district covers 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Along with every office, condo, apartment, and 2nd home of every member of the congress, of both houses, not to mention of each and every beltway reporter. In addition, they have access to every facet of power 365 days a year. The new congressman would have instant disproportionate weight and celebrity. And the only reason the Democrat leadership wants the new congressional seat established is because they know D.C. is a Mecca of liberal ideology, thus they would be granting themselves a new safe Democrat held seat in perpetuity. Obama would be the first president in history to vote in the mid term elections, as president (adding to his ever growing list of "firsts").

I'll give em' this - when they go for a power grab, they REALLY go. From banks, to the US Census Bureau being ran through the White House (instead of Commerce, for political redistricting), to the new "Durbin Amendment" from "little Dick Durbin" (as he is known to talk radio fans), which is the Fairness Doctrine by another name, to this new budget and universal health care, they truly are trying to fundamentally reshape America into their version of what it "should" be: a socialist Utopia . . . a fundamentalist pipe dream which has brought forth one government after another, and tossed them into the trash heap of history.

God help us.

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