Tuesday, December 22, 2009

That's a damn good point...

Having read your post a while ago, and having had time to ponder your words, I have come to the conclusion that you are CORRECT when you say that "liberals" (I won't go so far as to say Democrats as a whole) hold the posturing and propagandizing for any particular issue as more important than actually acting to resolve any particular issue.

Pius XII could have screamed from the Papal throne against the inhumanity being perpetrated by the Nazis across Europe, and his "words" would have rung empty and fruitless when looked upon by history... but today's "experts" on what is morally RIGHT and JUST in this world (the Schiks, Obermanns, John Cornwells (the author of "Hitler's Pope"), Mike Malloys, et al ) would be perfectly satisfied, it seems.

Yet none of these same moral-ethical experts have anything to say about the FACT that both the FDR and Churchill administrations during the war REFUSED to allow Jews fleeing Europe in the face of Nazi terror immigrant status so they could escape the Holocaust. In fact, one small ship, the MS St. Louis, carried nearly 1,000 Jews out of Germany but were refused entrance into Cuba, then the US, then Britain, and finally had to disembark the passengers in Antwerp were they were eventually captured by the Nazis after the occupation of France in 1940. Of the 936 original refugees, 227 died in the Nazi death camps, and an additional 389 were detained in work-slave labor camps (but did survive the war). To be fair, 288 made it to England after the Dunkirk disaster... but that seems sad consolation for Churchill and the British, doesn't it?

This entire topic pisses me off to no end. Yes, Pius was very traditional and didn't do much to effect some of the changes in Church structure and organization that some in the Church were asking for (at least not initially)... but even today, if Pius were here now and could clearly state exactly what his position on matters of social justice and moral responsibility by governments, there isn't a liberal in America that wouldn't agree with EVERYTHING he had to say except when it came to abortion and the homosexual lifestyle. He was as big a supporter of social justice as anyone since Christ Himself! It was the biggest issue between him and Mussolini right up to the start of the war.

Confrontational, antagonistic, bigoted anti-Catholic sentiments are all that is behind this story... nothing more.

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