Monday, February 22, 2010

I prefer a fundamental RESTORATION ...

... as opposed to a "fundamental transformation" of America, as the president has long been promising.

Today he released his health care plan and he is so stoked, so proud, so anxious to tie his name to it that he did a live ... Internet release ... in text format. Read: he put it on his website. Quite the PR endorsement of his signature legislation, wouldn't you say? Among other things it would use 1 Trillion dollars to insure 31 million Americans. Would someone please do the quick math on that? What is $1 Trillion into 30 mil? Could we not make each of America's uninsured targeted in this bill a millionaire several times over if we used half that amount and cut them a one time direct check? It would also seek to give the government the power to "cap" insurance rates of private insurers. The American electorate gets what is going on here - an attempt to destroy private insurance and move to a single payer system, it's madness. The people smell this central planning a mile away and are saying "no." But if he wants to slap the ass of his party as that herd mulls around the edge of a cliff, then so be it ... we'll see you in November Mr. President.

Now ... as to what spurred my blog post today. I will trade all of em.' Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, Medved, Bennett, and on and on and on for this guy.

12 times Ronald Reagan gave the key note address to CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Coonference. If there is an ideological "heart and soul" to the base of the GOP, the CPAC gathering is it (although I'd argue they now share that distinction with the Tea Party). And this year its' key note was given by Glenn Beck.

Now don't be mistaken - I don't say this because I suddenly find Limbaugh et al "bombastic", or "full of it," or because I disagree with them on a day to day basis; but rather because their national political discussion is only an inch deep in comparison. And as you move to the mainstream press that measurement amongst talking heads only grows more shallow from there. Whereas Beck is bone deep ... or dare I say "Bund deep." You can view the speech here: Key Note , and I strongly urge that you do. Interestingly the majority of his criticisms are coming from traditional GOP faces. MSNBC and the like chose not even to cover it. Between those 2 facts I'd say he struck the same chord of intense energy currently echoing throughout the American political lexicon via the Tea Parties.

There is a reason Beck's radio ratings are beginning to mimic Rush's (the Carson of A.M. talk). And Glenn's TV ratings are challenging O'Reily's. Now why am I promoting this gentleman? BECAUSE - finally we have a "talker" whose arguments are steeped in US history, and not to mention funnier then John Stewart at times. I am heartened. My countrymen "get it." His ratings, which are higher than all nightly network news broadcasts COMBINED, mean America is no longer asleep at the wheel and they are embracing the study of HISTORY as their guide to the future ... to restoring the nation rather then transforming it.

Combine this with the Tea Party movement and we could be looking at a pivot point in American history. And I say this not because Beck or the Tea Party have made this pivot possible, but rather because an awakened American people have made Beck and the Tea Party possible.

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