Friday, February 5, 2010

shock and awe shucks ...

I agree about the malware beasts ... you bring the water, I'll bring the boards.

So Iran launched a rocket into outer space. That doesn't seem to concern the president, or the main stream press. Or frankly anyone as far as I can tell. I mean why should that worry us, or Israel? Ahmedadenajad is a puppy dog, harmless, great beard, it's going to look nice when it grows in. Oh, and just for kicks and giggles he has promised to "deal the West a crippling blow" on February 11th. I'm sure he's kidding ... he wont really occupy the Rhineland ... err ... I mean ... cripple the West.

Speaking of being malicious ... the NSA is teaming with Google to thwart cyber attacks, in stunning waves and scope, from China. The Pentagon has confirmed similar attacks on their servers from our cheap tennis shoe making brethren to the East. So in an awe inspiring act of strength and steel the Obama administration took a hard line and downgraded ... the threat level ... and spy searching ... for ... Chinese attackers. Forgive my stuttered speak, it's just this isn't exactly a confidence building reaction. I'm sure it'll be fine though. Obama will give a stunning speech thus delivering a clear signal to our enemies: "Now let me be clear, what I have said is this is an extraordinary act, because we live in extraordinary times, and what I have said is we musn't return to the old way of doing business, that would be an extraordinary step, so let me be clear, I am extraordinary." Then chocolate covered skittles will fall from the sky while miniature postal workers in gnome clothing deliver pots of gold door to door.

So Pelosi says that quote, " ... we will get health care through the gate. If the gate's locked we will go over the fence. If the fence is too high we will pole vault in. If we can't pole vault we will parachute in, but we will get health care reform done for the American people this year." Uh huh. First off, the idea that the madam would "pole vault" anywhere, under any circumstances, is enough to trigger my gag reflex ... but did she ever consider that the gate was locked and fence built BY THE VERY AMERICAN PEOPLE SHE CLAIMS TO BE DOING THIS FOR????? God give me strength these people are officially causing blood to squirt from my eyes! That's fine though, keep slapping those Dem horses right on the ass 5 feet from the edge of the cliff ... the Ides of March comes November this year.

Well that's my round up this week ... it didn't really take that long, I must of saved or created millions of minutes in time. And don't worry. We can all take comfort that the malware designers will, in the next life, be dealt a more harsh and punishing brand of justice than we could possibly render here . . . . they'll be married to my ex wife.

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