Monday, February 8, 2010

Nice Pun-t ...

... ok, that one hurt.

I am of the opinion that were the Tea Party to go Third Party and field a candidate of their own they would be doomed to fail. Within our 2 Party system, lets say post-Whig or so, the most effective route to influencing national politics has come in the form of organized issues driven groups whose support, admiration, or flat out endorsement are sought. Consider this - would the AFL-CIO have greater influence or less were they to field a "Union Candidate" in the presidential election versus simply endorsing a candidate? Or the women's/minority Suffrage movement? The Tea Party, if they remain true to their current heading, will find GOP pretenders to the throne lining up around the proverbial corner to kiss their rings if they remain issues oriented and field support, versus candidates. You could see a scenario where candidates refer to themselves as a "Tea Party Republican", or dare I say "Tea Party Democrat" in some blue dog districts. If instead there is an actual "Tea Party Candidate", the movement is doomed.

And no matter how you slice it, Jesse Ventura is one of the most bone-headed individuals I have ever witness discuss the issues of our time (or any era for that matter). He's hosting a "conspiracy theories unraveled" oriented program on cable now. Because, "I've been on the inside" as he puts it. Oy vey. Look, you were a Navy Seal, kudos. But you were also in the WWF, so lets slow down with the pontificating there biff.

1 comment:

El Casa Grande said...

Agreed about Jesse. I didn't vote for him but, when he won, I was hoping he could make some changes. He didn't for a couple of reasons. The main one being that he had no party support. Secondly was because he was a bonehead whose ego overtook common sense.