Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Okay, I watched them...

I watched Beck and Bachmann, and both gave stirring and inspiring speeches. Both utilized a great deal of historical perspective in their presentations, and that was a big contributor to the success of their speech.

I haven't seen all the speakers, but I have watched nearly half by now, and I can tell you that the stand out BEST speech was from Wayne Lapierre, President of the NRA. I do not say this because I own guns, or because I support the defense of the Second Amendment (I'm not even an NRA member). I say this because he graphically demonstrated the fallacy of the liberal position over and over again in his speech.

Admittedly, he did this in regards to past and present infringements on the Second Amendment, which I think is perfectly understandable given his position within the NRA. That shouldn't detract from the method he employs to make his points... in fact, it should act as an example for the conservative movement as the 2010 mid-terms approach.

The position that the liberal movement in general, and the Obama-Reid-Pelosi-Democrat effort in particular, has taken since 2000 is based primarily on false assumptions and, in some cases, out right lies. Almost nothing that the 111th Congress has fought for or passed has any REAL merit or consequence outside of the cost it will bring to "fix it later"... and that point is NOT being made clearly enough by the conservative movement in America today, regardless of party affiliations.

Beck and Bachmann gave examples, and even used a few graphic representations to show the insupportable nature of the liberal position, but if real progress is to be made by the conservative American people, the GOP, Tea Party and CSU all need to follow Lapierre's example and HAMMER the facts home OVER AND OVER AGAIN until the truth is so plainly seen and understood in its irrefutable nature that the liberal agenda is seen by all to be the empty, hollow lie that it truly is.

Reid, Pelosi, Obama, Rendell, Bloomberg, Schumer, Clinton, Feingold, Durbin, et al MUST be made to answer for the actions and INTENTIONS of their Party and the current Congress. If they have a plan, they need to be forced to explain it to those that demand an explanation. If the don't have a plan, they need to answer WHY NOT. Provide FACTS that your plans are working or will work, and offer facts as to why conservative alternatives won't work... or face the prospect of losing your seat in November.

As we have said before here at the Bund, the GOP and conservatives are finally finding a voice and are beginning to present their case to the American people through things like the Roadmap For America that Rep. Ryan drew up, and through things like CPAC broadcasts and townhall meetings. NOW, we need to see the Dems answer for their positions... something I do not think they can do without revealing the elitist, almost "gnostic" manner in which they view American politics today.

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