Thursday, April 8, 2010

The "health care" backlash...

I'm delighted to see such sources as the Washington Post and the New York Times running articles about the Democrat's hesitant and careful post-vote behavior on the Obama-care question. To date, NOT ONE Democrat has faced a crowd of more than 65 people to field questions about the legislation or the manner in which it was passed.

There are plenty of questions waiting to be answered about the content of the legislation, and the manner in which it was passed into law... but the vast majority of sitting Democrats are avoiding the topic in hopes that it will blow over and some other topic will take its place in the eyes of the voting public. States like New York, Arizona, Oregon, Georgia, Florida... even DNC-dominated California... are facing growing concerns and questions about the health care reform and the seeming disregard that the majority party had for public opinion during its passing. With fully one-third of the Senate up for re-election, and all of the House... the DNC has got to be sweating bullets right about now. The Senate majority is at greater risk, but control of the House isn't guaranteed either, given the current down-trend in approval for Democratic Representatives.

It goes beyond just the mid-terms, too. For example, Obama nominated for an open bench on the Appeals Court one Goodwin Liu, a law professor from UC Berkeley. Seems the Dems want to rush his nomination through the Senate... but according to both the GOP leaders of the Senate AND the LA Times, Liu failed to complete his nomination disclosure forms completely, and had to resubmit more than 113 omitted items for review. GOP members wrote to Leahy, the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, stating that such a failure to complete the questionaires constituted a disqualification of nomination, which is supported by no fewer than two Democratic committee memebers. To beat a possible filibuster by Republicans, the Dems would need one Republican to support the nomination... but it seems they don't even have all the Dems in a line.

With the national focus on the health care legislation bringing the fractious and divisive nature of the current DNC leadership into the limelight for all to see, these kinds of mistakes by the Democratic leadership in Congress can only speed up the inevitable liberal self-destruction that I think is coming. Pelosi and Reid have taken unquestionable Democratic majority control of all of Congress, and squandered it to the point of uselessness. No Congress in 117 years has had a lower success rate or public opinion rating, and that kind of track record can't be swept under the rug for very long.

I really do think that the next two years are going to bring us the best example of a majority party's "self destruction" in nearly 50 years. I can't wait to watch.

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