Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"Show me your papers!"

First ... your last was a fine question (it's funny, at this point I can see your mood change mid post, hacked off to tempered as you go through the therapeutic - if you ask me - act of turning emotion into proffered prose). Basically, what does a budget look like that balances our federal books (pick your amount of years)? If you sit back with the prospect of answering this question you quickly realize how monumental a task it is. Undoubtedly doctorates are being awarded, books, multi-volume books, are being written suggesting such an answer. This will take considerable time. And even if I come up with the "President Ryan" (a damn fine ring to that I might add) budget, it will still fall under the "perfect scenario" heading, for I would need a simpatico congress (both houses) to achieve it. Hmmm ... to paraphrase that wise shaman, that historical philosopher known the world over, Yoda: ponder specifics I will.

Now as to the Arizona question, which seems to be dominating political discussion within the nation at present. Something occurred to me. Opponents of this law portray its' logical end as one reminiscent of Indiana Jones on a Zeppelin, hiding his face while black uniform clad, squared jawed authorities demand papiers und tickets! That comparison, of Gestapo thugs being backed by the law of the land when demanding you produce proper documentation, got me thinking . . . how many IRS agents are provided for in the new health care bill? 10,000? 16,000 is it? And under penalty of law, including fines up to imprisonment, I will be forced to "show them my papers" proving I have health care, as a US citizen, whether I want to or not, just by virtue of my being here. Is that not right? So Mr. President, one more time - exactly what is your beef with Arizona?

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