Thursday, May 5, 2011

Again with the labels...

This could become a real fight... just you watch.

Liz works for the county Public Defender's Office, and is routinely at the County Court House. I like our court house here... it is almost exactly the same as it was when it was built in 1850. Sure, they added the obligatory elevator, and I'm pretty sure the metal detectors weren't there prior to the Civil War... but the actual court rooms are the same, with the same windows, floors and "pew" benches that have been in the building for more than 150 years. The offices are tiny, but all share huge tall ceilings and transom doorways.

Anyway, while at the county court house, Liz noticed a table set up with what she called "party trees"... a diagram of who is running for what office in the upcoming May primary election here in NEPA. This is our 18-year-old's first chance to vote, and Liz thought she'd want to know who to follow prior to the actual vote. I couldn't agree more! What a fantastic way for our Katey to see who is running for what and to be able to look up the issues they are running on.

So, just a few minutes ago, I find one of these "party trees" (they are diagramed like a family tree) for all candidates running under the Democratic ticket. Some names I recognize, others are new... and it is pretty easy to follow... but I can't find the GOP tree. I ask, and come to find that she didn't bother getting a GOP tree, because Katey is a "Democrat".


Now don't get me wrong... I'm a Democrat myself, so having the child pick a party when getting her state-issued ID is fine and dandy, and I understand that the primary election in May is party-affiliation only. If Katey wants to vote, she has to be a registered Republican or Democrat, and can only vote for that party's candidates. I'm simply wondering why we must instantly apply a "label" to her position, even in primary season, when she should already be looking to determine for herself what she feels about each and any issue that might pertain to the election.

It's tough for me to solo this effort, though. Besides the fact that it would be wrong for me to strongarm the effort and push the child towards any particular point of view, it seems I'm too "particular" (Katey's words, not mine) and I have a real tendency to "preach" when I talk politics. I'm no fool. I know this to be true... but I am very surprised that Katey has recognized this already. I hadn't thought I did that to them the way I do that here, or to friends like Mick the Lib or Cramey or Super Jon.

I don't for a minute think that the girl isn't going to vote very (VERY) liberal... she is a product of the New Millenia, post-NCLB education system, so they learn at a very early age that Bush was "bad" and Obama is the most historic President since... well, probably EVER. All her teachers, since she entered school 12 years ago, have all been members of the teacher's union, and all push an agenda that is far, far from my own. Our 16-year-old has made the observation (numerous times, in fact) that "Republicans" don't like immigrants and Muslims, and want to take money away from teachers and schools. They know almost nothing about George W. Bush, other than he was "bad" and started a war for oil. There is no doubt that these children will need much work if they are going to learn the value of seeing both sides of an issue, let me tell you.



F. Ryan said...


Titus said...

This post pisses me off as so many do. I can't believe that I can get so angry with things I read on the "Bund" that come from your own thoughts. If anything, I should get angry at Ryan at times, however I don't partner with Ryan and I do value his right to his own opinion as it reflects his personal values and goals for him and his family. However, YOU Thomas should be more concerned with political issues that directly affect yours and vote accordingly. Pick up that 9K college bill on the desk at let that sink in...reflect on the services for disabilities we do or do not receive in public school for Jacob, are you satisfied with the quality of the public school system as it struggles now and will only increase with CUTS to the budget! Do you want this area destroyed by the "fracking" for natural gas? Should we have to drink bottled water the rest of our lives because of it? And so on.

At any rate, what I wanted to rant was that this is a PRIMARY election and WHY would I get a GOP tree for her? I should get one for YOU but you are registered under the wrong party. Clearly.

Titus said...

THAT WAS ME - LIZ. I guess Thomas is logged in but I am too tired to re-type that comment under my own handle.