Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"No comment"...

That needs to become the new mantra of the Obama Administration, especially when it comes to topics and subjects that the various officials of the administration are asked to comment on when they don't know what the hell they are talking about.

Between Leon Panetta and John Brennan alone, there are no fewer than NINE different versions of what happened between the start of the raid and the burial of the body. The only people that seem to know even less than these two idiots are the actual Pakistanis in charge of monitoring possible terrorist activity within their country.

One mistake or one piece of misinformation might be understandable... but this bunch has been sending mixed signals from word GO, and they still don't have it all together. If there is no information to be passed on (as I suspect the case might have been until all the details were sorted out and analyzed by those who know what the hell was happening)... then why in the HELL was anyone talking about it at all?

There can be only one answer: Grand-standing.

Its understandable that people want to make themselves and their boss look good... we're starting an election cycle, and any positive news can only help a President with an approval rating of less than 48%... but this isn't (or shouldn't) be the case now.

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