Thursday, May 19, 2011


Do you really think the SF referendum is based, even circumstantially (is that another pun?) on anti-semitism? A pervading distrust of anything Israeli by the left?

Your sarcasm was spot on, and the dangers inherent in such anti-religious legislation are real and can be seen as a direct cause-and-effect issue with the rise of the Nazis in Germany circa 1933... but I'm curious to know if you really think that is the root of the effort.

I (personally) have no doubt that it is based entirely in an anti-religious sentiment... but I can't seem to grasp that it is specifically anti-semitic in its origins.

I'm so tired... physically tired... of seeing those posters and billboards screaming "Imagine... no religion" with the WTC front and center, as if all the tragedy that image brings to mind is the fault of all religious belief and action. Or the thought process that automatically labels all Catholic priests as pedophiles and molesting monsters, or that every parochial school student is a present or future victim of abuse.

Why doesn't anyone see that it is the "atheist" states of this world that have perpetrated the worst atrocities against innocents in the last 500 years? When do we stop hearing about the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Reconquista, the Conquistadors or the Reformation Era and when do we begin to see the Nazis, the fascists, the Communists and the Ba'athists for exactly what they are: secular, anti-religious or pro-atheist attempts to bring about "no religion"?

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