Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I didn't expect that...

I didn't expect F. Ryan to say what he did in his last post... not in a million years.

Dude... what happened to running on principles?  Holding Obama's feet to the fire?  You have said, time and again, that the GOP candidate (whomever it is) should NEVER pander to the middle... always go to the base.  Your reasoning was always that it was what worked for Reagan, we can do no better.

I thought he (Romney) was lack-luster at best.  He danced to Obama's beat, and that cost him.  I agree with you that it wouldn't have served to have Romney seem to do nothing but "attack" and "argue"... but he is spending FAR too much time and effort trying to say "Obama and I want the same thing" and that the voting public should pick Romney's means over Obama's, but still shoot for the same end.  That is what I am hearing, and I don't like it.

I'll say this, too:  Obama is beginning to look like he is making excuses for his policies and actions, rather than defending them.  I can't say that any one point stands out, but it is a general impression that I HOPE like hell I'm not simply imagining but that others can also see.

It might be our only hope.

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