Thursday, October 11, 2012

On Ryan's "scandal" post...

Seems someone in Wyoming County, PA is as pissed off as F. Ryan is about the 9-11-12 questions being raised by Congress.

They've set up a table with large signs just outside of the Post Office (the only Federal building in the county) and are handing out impeachment literature to anyone walking by.  Liz, my wife, seems to think this is more election drama than it is serious impeachment concerns... but I'm not sure that's true.

This part of PA is pretty conservative, in a general sense.  I do think the county voted for Obama, but it was awfully close if I recall correctly.  What I do know is that the NRA has a HUGE presence here, and that they are all over this like flies on feces.  I personally wouldn't be surprised if the table in question was paid for by the NRA itself.

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