Thursday, October 4, 2012

My thoughts...

Man, I hate always being the guy that has to oppose everything F. Ryan says, but here I go again...

Paris Hilton has a purpose in this nation, and deserves the opportunity to work and succeed as much as anyone else.  If her purpose is to look stupid constantly, and to put that stupidity on the airwaves at every chance she gets, so be it... she is guaranteed that right.


Ryan's right about one thing:  the choice is pretty clear.

Was it a home run?  An "out-of-the-park" grand-slam?  Probably not, but it was FAR MORE than I expected from Mitt by any stretch of the imagination.  It was a stellar win... from start to finish.  In fact, it wasn't really much of a debate.  It was more a platform for Mitt to make his case in solid contrast to Obama's and the liberal Left.  Obama certainly didn't present anything with any conviction, that's for sure.

Obama's mistakes were many and multifaceted.  He misspoke  stumbled, stuttered and lost his place numerous times.  He showed a seriously lack of facts, and an utter inability to counter presented facts in a manner that did anything but HELP Romney.  His eyes were anywhere BUT on Romney or the camera, while Romney was calm, poised and obviously listening to everything the President said.

I almost panicked when I heard Romney say (the first time) that he agreed with the President (on ANYTHING)... and I had nightmare visions of the ultra-moderate coming through loud and clear once again.  However, the "agreement" was nothing more than gracious debate... and he couldn't have made it more clear that very, very little of what the President has done has been anything but ineffective.  He showed that he shared the President's concerns, but has a completely different idea about how to address them.  THAT was a tactic that worked fantastically last night... but might not work again.

Perhaps the best news is that the debate was a HUGE success through internet viewing.  The debate broke all the records on internet participation, which I think means that a large portion of the younger block of voters was probably viewing, and (thus) that serious questions MUST be twirling through those young minds as we speak.  The opinion polls that gauged win/loss last night were 67% to 25% in favor of Romney last night, and though most were online polls (something I can't bring myself to trust at all), it is telling in itself.

Let's not forget, Reagan got crushed in his first debate, too.

1 comment:

Titus said...

After a full day of commentary and review, it would seem that Romney's "win" is far, FAR bigger than any other GOP candidate win in a debate since polls were invented. Reagan's big win against Mondale was only by 3%... within the margin of error. McCain's LOSS (in all his debates) was by less than Obama's last night!!!

Romney did really well... he really seems to have the liberal machine working overtime today.