Thursday, October 18, 2012

I was watching Romney...

and I didn't say Obama won, only that Romney missed chances.

I did call Romney's victory in the first debate, by the way... and I'll call him the winner in this, too.  I had simply hoped for a bigger win, a more decisive victory.

My dislike of Obama is growing on a daily basis.  I've never been one of those that are convinced he is determined to "re-write" the American Constitution to suit his socialist dreams, but I can't deny his socialist attitude.  Add to that his pandering, meaningless platitudes and empty promises to the "American people"... and I'm almost to a point where his voice makes me ill.

Nothing came clearer to me in these last three debates than this fact:  Romney/Ryan, while they use "I" and "we" in their rhetoric, don't MEAN "I" or "we".  They are not promising that GOVERNMENT can fix any problems... they are promising that government is the PROBLEM.  Obama is not only saying government is the solution, he is promising that HE is the solution.  He wants the GOP to "get out of my way" so he can fix things... and that nauseates me.  His utter disdain for anyone that has had, earned or come into any kind of material or fiscal wealth shows me that he sees two Americas... and he longs to be able to take from both equally and without restraint.  Take the freedoms and responsibilities from the "have nots" and take the wealth and wages from the "haves" to pay for it all.  Both Americas are equally reduced, both are marginalized in the political arena, and the Democrats are the better for it.

However, as Ryan said... I read this message clearly for what it is.  The rest of America probably doesn't.  That is sad in the extreme.

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