Saturday, October 27, 2012

This could break the President...

Which is why I am convinced that the Democrat-controlled Senate has issued the date for it's own investigation to begin AFTER the elections are over.

The White House has broken a sacred trust.  The President is the "Commander and Chief" of all the Armed Forces of the United States, and everyone working under him must represent that position... even the civilian Cabinet positions.

If there were a motto that all branches of the military could claim, and all have adhered to since their inception, it is that "we leave no one behind".  No one is left to fight "alone" involuntarily.  If the means to support our personnel exist, we MUST do it... or we undermine the will and determination to fight for our whole defensive structure.

Those people that fought for their lives in Libya knew help was available... literally as little as 200 minutes away... and put up a defense waiting for that help to arrive.  As Ryan said, there were assets on the ground that could have been employed, but were specifically and repeatedly told to "stand down" as fellow Americans and comrades were under attack.  In short, I believe that the men stationed in Libya, and specifically in Benghazi, were left without support so as not to put the White House and its policies in a "bad light" so close to an election at home.  This is more than bad policy or failed diplomacy... this is the ultimate example of failed leadership and command, and resulted in the ultimate cost to those most directly at risk.

As much as I detest the thought, I have tried to imagine what would exonerate the President and his staff in this matter... and nothing has presented itself, at all.  There is no doubt in my mind that he KNEW what was happening, and that he KNEW what his top advisory and command staff was doing, and people still died because no help or support was given in their time of need.

I don't want to sound flippant or glib in light of the very serious nature that this topic follows, but anyone that might be considering answering the "Help Wanted" poster now being drawn up by the White House and the State Department needs to look long and hard at the possibility of the same thing happening to them.  What kind of people do you think are going to take that job in the future?  Certainly not the ones best suited for the position, I'd venture to say.

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