Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I didn't think I did ...

... fall into that trap. If you reread my description of it I essentially explained it the way you did (with as many specifics), and I didn't use words such as "seized" or "distributed as the feds see fit." I simply described the specifics as I know them and drew the same conclusion you did - it's by definition, socialism.

By the way, I fancy myself MUCH more articulate, specific & measurable, and informed both historically and in terms of contemporary news then Hannity (I don't know Wilkow enough to comment on him). I prefer the observations of Hugh Hewitt, Micheal Medved and Glenn Beck. Rush ain't bad but he doesn't research specifics as much as the afore mentioned names, in my view - which is a shame, because as you (and I) have aptly pointed out, there is enough to dislike about these and other forms of Democrat proposals when being specific, without any exaggerations.

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