Thursday, October 16, 2008

The last debate...

Thank God!

Neither of these men are "leaders", neither inspire me with their passion or vision, and both are just as bad at unprompted, unpracticed speaking as GW is. I guess in that regard, if Mac wins, we WILL have four more years of the same fumbling, stumbling, and bumbling use of catch-phrases and hot-topic terms.

Mac got a bit tougher, and hammered home a few points... but the way he brings them to the table (literally, this time) makes him sound like a whiney, snivelling loser, not an indignant but superior candidate.

Obama loves to hedge... he avoids answering direct questions that require him to state a position as catagorically "black or white" and where his position lies. Free trade, domestic energy production, the War in Iraq and the War on Terror... no direct answers to direct questions.

In fact, the BEST bit of the debate was a gaff on Mac's part... he referred to Obama as "Senator Government". I hope his campaign picks up on THAT gem!

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