Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Speaking of Tricky Dicky...

In case you missed it, HERE is the link to Nixon's proposed Health Care Provision Plan (then called the Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan, or CHIP). It is a brief outline of a plan, sent to Congress in 1974... where it was shot down in a really spectacular manner by the Democrat-controlled 93rd Congress, which was led by such patently familiar names as Mike Mansfield, Bob "KKK" Byrd, Tip O'Neill, and Carl Albert (the most ineffective Speaker of the House until Pelosi took office... he spent his entire career basking in the glory of having forced both a President and a Vice President out of office!).

Now, if you take the time to READ the proposal, you'll see that it is SHOCKINGLY similar to what Jambo suggested only a few short weeks ago. Obviously, some of the numbers need adjustment (imagine a time when having a BABY cost the average American $1,000!!!), but the premise is SOUND, and while it does increase government's role in health care... it doesn't raise taxes beyond the first TWO YEARS of implementation. It is self-sustaining after that!

Now, any one of you might question how I can get behind ANY piece of legislation stemming from the Nixon White House... but who was the main author of this work? Who was Nixon's LAST Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare?

Caspar Weinberger.

A damn fine Sec of Defense, and the ONLY Cabinet-level appointee to resign (on principal) BEFORE the Iran-Contra hearings started in '87. SMART and HONEST... not an easy combination to find in Washington, now or then.

Follow the link... it's worth the read.

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