Thursday, October 9, 2008

My definition...

Okay, I'll do my best to put into words why I feel Obama was wrong.

Human beings are granted certain "rights" at conception, in my eyes. Several of these are enumerated in the US Constitution, including the right of free speech, the free practice of faith, the freedom to peacefully assemble in public, the freedom to defend oneself, one's family and one's property, and the right to be judged by a jury of equals after facing your accuser.

There are other "rights" that are NOT enumberated, but are equally recognized by the Constitution (via the Ninth Amendment), and these include the right to personal privacy from public scrutiny, the right to equal opportunity in regards to housing, sustenance, employment, education, and YES, health care.

These rights are recognized by the Constitution (in one form or another), but are not afforded the same level of distinction as those "guaranteed" in the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Eighth Amendments because they are not defined as well as those are. THIS was the reason that Hamilton fought so hard to keep the "Bill of Rights" out of the Constitution... he felt that defining some (or guarantying some) would lessen the protection afforded other, unnamed "rights".

In the years since its ratification, the US Constitution has been used to formulate the body of Law that has defined such "rights" as those concerning education, housing, health care, and employment to ensure that they are protected from abuses or neglect, and while the process has been slow, it HAS worked. Housing, education and employment can no longer depend on factors such as race, age, sex, orientation or creed... thus, protecting the equal OPPORTUNITY guaranteed to all citizens by the Constitution.

ALL US Citizens have the same opportunity to obtain health care in this nation. The only "variable" in the equation of whether or not everyone can have health care is the COST of the health care in question. No health care can be REFUSED do to an inability to pay for it (the Hippocratic Oath is enforcable by Law in this nation), and no facility can refuse treatment or admission based on the ability to pay without providing effective and efficient availability to alternative facilities (i.e. they must give you a ride to the nearest hospital that WILL take you).

In my opinion, this level of status quo satisfies the guaranty of equal opportunity for health care. There is no guaranty for the provision of that health care, nor should there be... for the reasons I have given previously.

It is late, and I have to get the kids to bed, but I will think on this more, and finish up tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jambo said...

YOU ARE KILLING ME! It is so hard to read this post and take any of it seriously when it is GUARANTEE, GUARANTEED! There is no Y in guarantee!