Tuesday, October 21, 2008

That's NOT why I pointed it out ...

I wasn't trying to infer a "landslide" that Biden was on the wrong side of. I was pointing out that EVEN when there was CLEAR aggression by a belligerent enemy towards an "ally" of ours (read: NO quasi clear arguments on WMD's, just a good ol' fashioned invasion of a friend), that Biden didn't have the judgment in terms of national security to respond with the strength the situation called for. It was an overwhelming success (as you know) & he STILL won't recant his decision to this day. And my response to Gene Taylor's vote - SO WHAT? I never claimed he was the national security standard for which vice presidents should be measured. I think he does a decent job in South MS, and he certainly isn't part of the "Move On" left, but I wouldn't support him for PoTUS over McCain/Palin, with or without that vote.

You're right about the Biden commercials though - "The presidency doesn't lend itself to on the job training." "I'd be honored to serve as Vice President to McCain ...", "Anyone that would vote for defunding the troops in action, to make a political stand, doesn't have the judgment to be the commander-in-chief." Each and every statement was made by Joseph Biden (referring to Obama in the 1st and 3rd quote) not more then 4 months ago during the Democrat primary. It should be in a commercial, no question. SUDDENLY, after 4 months of campaign experience Obama is suddenly qualified ... it's sheer buffoonery, and Mac & co should ensure the public knows it.

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