Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Is Beijing two I's, or one?

Good round (and I fixed the link in the original post, so you can now listen to the first soundbite, as well as HERE).

Now, whether the answer as to why Westerners are trending socialist is my explanation or yours (the most probable scenario being that it is a combination, as we both laid out complex answers to an uber-complex problem), I now wonder if there is any chance of "arresting" its' development. Can this trend be stopped? Certainly you were right that those nations and continents with the most rapidly developing economies are those not following the current Western example. That was the US (and in large part still is ... for now). But if they are trending towards an optimal environment for economic expansion, and we and our "old men" in Europe (our traditional allies) are doing the opposite, wouldn't it be wise to fear for our own future? Military dominance is only as good as the economy that supports it. So, what to do? I can only hope that good, common sense, traditional men step forward to lead us away from such socialist nonsense. Because that is the real key to whether a civilization lives or dies ... good men must be ever ready to step forward when needed. Walk through Arlington, and that point will be driven home. Let us all pray we still have a few "greatest generations" left in us.

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