Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Can't say this enough...

The Kindle is the greatest thing since sliced bread.


I have read more new stuff in the last month than I have in the previous four years.  Not because I didn't want to read new stuff... it is simply too expensive, and fishing through all the crappy stuff to get to the good stuff is like flushing money down the toilet.

$8 for a paperback... anywhere from $12 to $30 for a hardcover... and only the reviews on the jackets to tell you if its any good or not.

Take this for example...

I read a short novella called Farmer One by Christian Cantrell... no more than a couple of hours to work through.  It was the best thing I've read in that format and genre since King's The Mist came out in Skeleton Crew.  The novella cost $0.99 to download... and he's hit more than 70,000 downloads since it was released in Sept of 2011.  That's $7,000 if he's keeping 10% of the download price... in just four months!  I paid $4.99 for Skeleton Crew back in 1986, for God's sake!

I have Dickens, Tolstoy, Sun Tzu, Stephen King, a bunch of nonfiction, dozens of brand-new authors... and I haven't spent as much in downloads as was spent on the Kindle itself yet... amazing!

Both F. Ryan and Jambo have written works that warrant publication (Jambo's is published, in fact).  Ryan's is a screenplay, but with just a little effort, it could be turned into a short novel.  Jambo has had me read a very good draft for a sci-fi novel that would be PERFECT for this sort of medium... easily serialized, fast paced and edgy with just enough hardcore science to keep even the most traditional sci-fi fan wrapped up.

I've got DOZENS of books like this in my Kindle!  First time authors, up-and-coming writers, new takes on old stories... there is NO DOWN SIDE HERE!

You absolutely MUST look into this.

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