Thursday, January 26, 2012

Man... why do they insist on that word?

Dude... I know what you mean:  Obama is a radical when compared to the Presidents that came before him.  I get that, and I agree.

He's NOT a Marxist, though.  Please... stop using that word.

A Marxist, by definition, believes that the State exists to exploit the masses, and that the evolution of society will bring the end of capitalism and usher in a classes utopia wherein there is no "state"... only the body politic of the proletarian people.

Obama does not want to see the end of the "state" in America, he wants to expand and grow that "state" so that it, and thus the controlling party, have greater and greater authority and control over the lives of its citizens. He wants (seemingly) to ensure that what the State deems needed from the affluent in our society (its difficult to use the word "rich" when the effort is to make them NOT rich) is taken without pause or conflict and distributed according to the dictates of the State (even more than the needs of the poor).

Honestly... the more I describe this, the more it smacks of fascism... hows that for giving pause to our complaints?

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