Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Section 1021

Years from now, when some great, great grandson or daughter is doing research on their brilliant ancestor "F. Ryan", and they stumble across this treasure trove of insight into his soul, and that of his dear friends, I don't want to be thought of as "asleep" when this bill was signed in the middle of the night (read: New Years Eve).

The new defense reauthorization bill, for fiscal year 2012, includes in it an expansion of the Executive's Branch's powers under Section 1021. It's in legalese, but it breaks down like this (and from the man whom announced the closure of GITMO on his first day in office): the PoTUS, via the military (and some argue the DOJ, the language seems to be purposely vague) can now hold those "suspected of terrorist acts against the United States", to be held indefinitely without trial or charge. Now you may say "ok, we've been doing that to battlefield combatants at GITMO (and surely other sites) since the initiation of hostilities Mr. brilliant F. Ryan." And you'd be right... However, the authority now extends to American citizens, detained on American soil.

Do I have your attention yet?

The President can now use the military (and presumably the DOJ) to "scoop people up in the middle of the night" (as he accused the Bush administration of), in violation of Posse Cumitatus. With no Miranda, no court, no Habeus Corpus, no lawyer, no anything ... just disappear you like a Mafia snitch. Oh, and it includes the authority to transport you to GITMO or a sovereign foreign power for interrogation ... say Egyptian Secret Police. And, if he deems it necessary, the ability to try civilians in a military tribunal. May I remind you, we're atlking about US citizens "detained" on US soil. And they did it by extending the definition of the "batlefield" to America herself. This is the very stuff of despotism. But don't worry, the PoTUS issued a signing statement noting that his administration will not hold any US citizen, "indefinitely." Whew! Thank goodness, we really dodged a bullet there ... I thought for a second this is the type of power that might be abused ... its good to know that ... ARE YOU MAD AMERICA??? This is insanity! And even if this guy doesn't "abuse" this new power, it only takes one man to cross the Rubicon and your Republic is GONE, forever.

And FYI, on that signing statement - Senator Lyndsey Graham told the press that it was the White House that insisted on the specific language within Section 1021. By the way, do we not control the House? Here's a better question, has anyone in either Party read a single history book? Where's the ACLU? To busy breaking crosses off tombstones at Arlington or monitoring Boy Scout prayer meetings?

We have effectively suspended the Bill of Rights, yet where are the stories? Where is the Press coverage? I wish, and I mean this sincerely, that Bush would have signed this Bill - at least then it would be widely covered.

Your country changed 4 days ago ... where were you? Watching Dancing With the Stars? My nation is asleep.

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