Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hehe... Here, Here!

I almost feel I need to explain that I was NEVER anti-gun... I've owned firearms since I was 12 years old, and I have hunted nearly every year since that time. I now own eight different firearms (although Jambo still has 5 of them).

The "conversion" I had about 6 months ago was to the actual meaning of the Second Amendment. I had always contended (especially with Ryan and Jambo) that the Second Amendment WAS a collective right guaranteed to serve the State first, and the individual second. I have now come to see the error of my ways, and it seems the Supreme Court of the United States of America agrees with me (barely!).

If, as Baddboy points out, a citizen has a FFL and wants to own a $75,000 .50 semi-auto sniper rifle... please, let him have it. I'm quite sure the manufacturer would be more than happy to sell one WITHOUT the bulk-discount that you know the military is getting... so add another $15k to that price tag.

However... would anyone argue that a fully-automatic AK-74 with a 30-round clip that can be emptied in less than 3 seconds is MORE than the average American needs for personal protection? I'm talking John Q. Public here... no FFL, just a clean record and a real fear of being robbed or raped. If he wanted the piece for a collection, let him get an FFL... but for home protection, I'm still inclined to believe that there is a degree of regulation involved that is GOOD, and adds to the over-all safety factor that the NRA and other pro-gun groups so promote.

Even Baddboy's "long rifle".... there are an awful lot of top-notch commercial rifles on the market that would give his .50 sniper rifle a run. The Brits still make a .475 Nitro Express (although I have NO idea where you'd get the ammo) that is accurate (within a 3 in. group) at 1000 yards. Price? £65,000 (that's $128,700 for us Yanks).

Me? I'll take my Remmington .308 all day long. Give me a good scope, a good rest and a clear day... and I'll "ring the bell" at 400 yards, every single time. Ammos cheap, the gun's a classic, and it's got the perfect punch-to-power ratio for a fast 80-yard shot through scrub oak, too.

That's just me, though...

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