Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Be "DONE" all you want ...

This is necessary. I have been gone for a few days and clearly the blog, along with the rest of the world, has moved on from the Rush "controversies." So, why am I bringing it up? Quite frankly I was extremely disturbed by Titus's "Rushing To Justice" post. Not due to his assailment of Limbaugh mind you - I couldn't care less whether you "like" the guy, I'm not attempting a conversion here - but because there were SEVERAL inaccuracies regarding what I have written in previous posts on the matter. That, combined with the obvious - Titus had fused the two controversies together and was unwittingly attributing quotes (of both Rush and I) from one controversy and saying it was a response to the other. Now, knowing Titus I am assuming it was done on accident, attributable to his self confessed hatred of Rush. Nonetheless it was done and I will give you the most glaring example (of many mistakes) for I will not be impugned as some rouge mouth breathing Rush ditto head when in fact I made a crystal clear, defensible, and accurate presentation proving Titus's conclusions about Rush's intent were misguided and that his overall argument was riddled with inaccuracies. BUT, as I said, this isn't about him anymore, it's about my reputation and I will not stand to have it sullied in the interest of "moving on."

In the "comments" under my post "Head Rush" Titus has written:

I’m not going to discuss this anymore… I hate Rush, you think the sun shines out of his ass… what is the point?

I am only going to make one more comment, to clear my name of your “cry foul” point.The quote you claim you never wrote is still to be found within the last sentence of the #2 item in your “Rush to Judgment” post of Oct 10. I cut it out right from the site, and only changed “he” to (Rush) for ease of understanding (a lot of good THAT did!).

You posted it. I cut it.

And the "quote" you attributed to me:
Ryan writes: “(Rush) did not make a metaphorical analogy and was in fact making a literal comparison."

Alright, below is the #2 item you referred to, complete and unedited. In the last sentence I asked for you to retract your assertion - that Limbaugh had made a literal comparison - and I asked for it "post haste." And what you did was cut and paste that request in order to make it appear as if I was making a declarative statement of fact rather than describing the assertion I was requesting YOU to retract. Furthermore, the entire #2 item was me asserting that he was making an analogy. How you read this paragraph and then cut and pasted what you did and came to the conclusions that you did, lies beyond comprehension.

2.) You wrote, "I have read the transcript and to say he was simply making an analogy is flat out untrue." Really? So if not an analogy then you are asserting he made a literal description or comparison in his statement. Where? Where did he literally call the "soldiers", which we now have established was in fact ONE soldier, a quote suicide bomber? How about saying (literally mind you since the claim of an analogy according to you is "flat untrue") that their actions were equivalent to "blowing yourself up in a crowded street." I mean if you have completely dismissed the possibility of a metaphorical analogy then surely you are able to back that up by pointing to the only thing left - a literal comparison in which he uses the words blowing yourself up in a crowded street. Hmmmm, not there is it? Well, absent a literal description all that is left is a metaphorical ANALOGY. It would seem your hate for all things Rush has caused you to cast aside English Comp I ... and II. No matter, I am here. In fact it is crystal clear that he was making a metaphorical analogy. Any one - outside of rabid Rush haters - can see this. I didn't say it was a "good" one, but one none the less. I will expect that retraction - that he did not make a metaphorical analogy and was in fact making a literal comparison, post haste as well.

Clearly anyone not consumed within a hazy hate-filled fog can see that I was in fact asking you to retract something, not saying the "something" as a declaration. Also, you wrote: You’re so busy trying to catch me in a screw up… how did you miss the fact that Rush never said those words (suicide bomber) in the first place? Dumb ass… I didn't miss it Titus - the entire paragraph was me NOT missing it. How could YOU miss THAT? When, and if, you decide to apologize for blatantly misrepresenting what I said, via your cutting and pasting, I shall expect you to also withdraw the description of me as a"dumb ass."

At this point Titus you should realize what I have said from the beginning of this thread is true - your biased towards Limbaugh causes you to make irrational arguments and draw questionable conclusions. AT THE VERY LEAST it causes you to repeatedly misread posts and transcripts.

So ... you have two choices. Either live in denial or apologize to me and our readers for having misquoted me AND for having put in less then the proper amount of research so as to correctly identify and separate the two controversies - in layman's terms: you didn't accurately read my posts nor the shows transcripts.

You can be "done" with this all you want, and I'm perfectly willing to let others whom might read this decide for themselves whether your above error is indicative of your overall performance in this area, but in the end you at least owe me an apology.


Titus said...

I apologize whole-heartedly, and without reservation, for having mistakenly taken out of context any portion of your previous posts and for having posted them out of context in any of my own.

Undoubtedly, Rush Limbaugh is a good and Christian man, capable of far more than I have ever given him credit for, and no doubt my disdain for his behavior and politics has, indeed, blinded me to your reasonable and rational opinions concerning the man and his ideology.

Now, can we let this rest?

F. Ryan said...

Fair enough.