Sunday, October 7, 2007

Limbaugh... again...

Okay, I might have been able to see the argument that Rush was making concerning his "phony soldiers" comments and the subsequent explanations...

But referring to a decorated veteran of the Iraq war who voiced open resentment about Rush's comments and questions the actions and policy of the Administration as a "metaphorical" suicide bomber is going to be tough to talk away.

I have read the entire transcript, and to simply say he was making an analogy is flat out untrue... he was comparing the actions of anti-war and anti-Bush vets and soldiers as tantamount to the actions of "strapping explosives to your belt" and blowing yourself up in a crowded street.

As far as I am concerned, this shows that Rush's respect and affection for American veterans applies only to those who do not question or consider the policy and intent of the men and women that direct their actions in battle... that no opposition from within the ranks, or from those who have left the service, should be considered as valid at all. His disdain for service veterans that affiliate with this is shocking in its depth and unfortunate in the extreme.

Who has earned the right to question governmental policy more than those who have placed their lives between OURSELVES and the ENEMY... and made the sacrifice of being wounded in the effort? Not me, not you (read Ryan and James) and NOT Rush Limbaugh!


Baddboy said...

Another Limbaugh basher lol. It seems that we have the same issues in this blog that the rest of the US has. It's only ok to say it if I agree with you. I don't like what he said and I don't agree with him but when stupid people say stupid things then who are we to bash them for it. They only prove their own ignorance. Plus the whole free speech thing comes into play here and now I am starting to sound like a whining liberal, someone call the ACLU quick.

This whole thing came to light when Wesley Clark USA retired (thank God) asked for Rush's show to be removed from Armed Forces Radio. Wesley clard is a blithering idiot proven by his handling of the Bosnia/Serbia/Kosovo fiasco. why in Gods name would anyone give Clark enough credit to even listen to his whiny crap about Rush. I agree that noone more has the right to talk smack and protest the war than the men and women that have been there and put themselves between us and them. But in my opinion if Rush wants to say something that ignorant and stupid who are we to stop him and who is Wesley Clark to ask for his removal. If his statements are that bad the troops can ask for themselves and Clark can get over himself. If he wants to do something of some substance then he needs to issue and apology to the people of Bosnia for not advising his CIC Bill Clinton to put troops on the ground sooner and stopping the genocide sooner.

Titus said...

Nice to hear from Baddboy again...

I think the author of the editorial listed under Articles of the Week must have read your comments, or you two have been talking.

Check it out.