Wednesday, October 31, 2007

"Crazy fools, the Irish."

We're up to our ass in election commercials here in sunny, warm Gulf Coast land. As Titus can relate, I'm sure, local races are plugging up the radio and TV time slots, interrupting my ESPN radio fix that I need to function daily. But what makes me angry is the gubernatorial race adds.

I'm not that much of a Barbour fan. Every time the man opens his mouth he sets the State back ten, maybe fifteen years. But I do have to admit, compared to our neighbors to the west we're doing just fine post storm. And since they've booted their incumbent, that seems to fuel John Arthur Eaves' campaign to do the same here.

What chaps my ass is this cheeto comes in and spouts all this crap, like "Health care for all Mississippi children," "Pay raises for all teachers," "We're on your side versus insurance," things that sound great to everyone. How will he pay for it? First off, a 17% raise of the casino tax.

Well. 17%. So what is the next thing that's published? Pre-Katrina revenue numbers, (2004 to be exact) and then slapping the 17% raise on the casinos. (They went with pre-storm numbers because revenue was higher) No less than six casinos would close. Six. A minimum of 10,000 jobs lost. Someone tell me how that helps recovery?

Other than that, he has no idea how he's going to come through on these campaign issues. Why do people do that? Why can't you make a statement and then provide a plan to make it happen? Or at least make a plan BEFORE you make the statements? Am I the only one that gets this?

On a closing note, this site averages 39.4 hits a day. Damn.

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