Thursday, October 18, 2007

But Jesus said, “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

-Matthew 19:14 .

Whether through the ACLU or individual citizens, those whom champion a secular purist state have succeeded in renaming Christmas Vacation a "winter break"; have allowed students to abstain from saying the words "under God" as they recite the pledge of allegiance; and they have reduced moments of prayer at scholastic sporting events to "a minute of silence." The unyielding offensive to remove all moral guidance and clarity from our public institutions of learning has left a vacuum within the hearts and minds of students and their instructors. Now witness the results .....

According to the Department of Health and Human Services the Portland, Maine school committee, in a 5-2 vote, will allow King Middle School nurses to administer birth control pills and patches to female students as young as 11 years old - without parental consent or notification. This in a state where it is illegal to engage in sex with an 11 year old, even when both participants are under age. A spokeswoman for the school said, "This addresses a medical need for children whose adult in their life has, for whatever reason, abandoned them." Really madam? Abandoned them? Implicit in this is the assertion that any parent of an 11 year old girl whom does not grant the child access to birth control devices is in fact "abandoning" - a legal term mind you - their child. As any parent knows every adolescent at some point realizes that if he or she can split their parents against one another in any given argument involving the child, that the sum effect is the child emerging with more power in the family than was previously or knowingly granted by the parents. This decision places the school, i.e. the government, directly between the child and parent, and as in all divide and conquer scenarios throughout time, those in the middle emerge more powerful than either of the two halves. This is undoubtedly the state's goal. Notice how she doesn't even grant the parent the status of being a quote, "parent." Instead they are assigned the dubious title of "adult in their lives." Clearly those such as Planned Parent Hood and secular school officials have convinced parents that the ideals and morals of the state are of equal or greater value to those whom gave birth to the child - after all, whether it's a school nurse or a father, they're all just another "adult in their life" - no one being of greater significance or importance than the other. As Father Jonathan Morris noted (article available to the right) in his response to a Portland parent whom wanted his daughter to have access to a trusted adult in school when he is not "available", [His] idea of a trusted adult is abnormal. In the real world, a trusted adult does not give an eleven-year-old girl a birth control pill when the little girl comes to his office saying she is about to have sex and can’t reach her daddy."

There is little mystery in why the number of students enrolled in home based schooling programs increases exponentially each year. Does anyone doubt that this policy will only increase the amount of child pregnancies and STD's within the King Middle School student body? My mother always recited the phrase "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." Unfortunately her warnings would be lost on these secular bureaucrats, for in their world neither heaven nor hell exists.


Jambo said...

Father Jonathon rocks!

Titus said...

Nothing you have noted here clashes with what I believe to be true in the slightest. This is an area that (shockingly enough) we are in complete agreement on... the liberal-left in this country are driving the ability of practicing Christians to express even the slightest bit of personal spirituality in public or private.

This is the SINGLE greatest problem I have with the Democratic Party as it stands today. They have championed the cause of Muslim-Americans in Michigan to have their "shahadah" braodcast from the city's public address system at the "adhan"... while it has determined that it is in MY best interest to deny Christians the right to display Nativity scenes or any public affirmations of CHRISTIAN faith.

God can have no place in American iconography, and no place in our architecture, literature, media, or education system (unless he is called Allah, or Buddha, or Vishnu, that is).

I still affirm that the US is NOT a Christian nation... but it is rapidly becoming a very anti-Christian nation... at the urging of the Democratic Party and its partners.