Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Constitution guarantees the persuit ...

... but Obama has GUARANTEED the results.

FIRST - did you see the Mac commercial just now? He stopped and acknowledged Obama's historic achievement on the anniversary of the "I Have A Dream Speech." He said, "Too often the achievements of our opponents go unacknowledged. Tomorrow we will be back at it, but tonight, job well done." That was the entire commercial. NowTHAT'S class.

Fantastic observation about "proletariat language." It wreaked with "workers of the world unite."By my count every time he said "compassion" or "dignity" it cost us another 10 billion.

One other observation - his intro biography and various references about his past during the speech. It wasn't his. He talked about his grandfather, grandmother, even astronauts, but none of those were his experiences. Even at the end he quoted MLK , and the Bible (of course he had to call it "scripture" so as make it seem like some distant fictional account written in calligraphy). His resume is razor thin so he's borrowing a little here, a little there. If I were Mac I'd have about a half hour bio intro - that oughta get us to his POW years.

Oh - and he criticized Mac for being in the Senate for 23 years, the classic "insider" reference. Hmmm ... what was the name of that guy that's been in the Senate for 36 years? ... hold on, I'll think of it ... rhymes with Moe Giden .......

The bottom line is that he's an unabashed socialist with excellent speech giving abilities whose relationship and views on America have been "odd" to say the least.

On Mac's challenge, no one has ever doubted Barak's speech giving abilities. Give him a prompter and 80 thousand people and he'll knock some socks off. However, the 2 "Town-Hall" meetings with Mac are his Achilles heel. Intimate settings will crush him ... they force him to be somewhat specific, and no socialist running for PoTUS can afford to do that.

He'll lose by ten points.

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