Friday, August 29, 2008

Mrs. Palin goes to Washington

And I mean that in the truest sense of the expression, she IS the female version of Jimmy Stewart's character. She goes from the PTA to city council woman to mayor of a 9,000 person town, to governor, now to VP running mate.

Kudos to Titus for putting her on the short list within our forum, I certainly did not. I just witnessed her speech and let me tell you, I like her a lot. And get this, the Obama camp and their surrogates are attacking her for every reason middle America will love her - she's a outsider/hockey mom/Moose hunter/fiscal conservative/pro-lifer! The opposition actually criticized her for her small town roots - they truly don't "get" that patch of earth between New York and California. And my FAVORITE critique is the Obama press release that chastises McCain for putting a person "with limited experience a heart beat away from the presidency." HAAAA! Limited experience is their chief beef? You've got to be kidding me. And did you see that family? They looked like they walked out of a Norman Rockwell painting. Oh, and that 5 month old baby they have, has Down Syndrome. Contrast that with Obama's only association with a Down Syndrome baby. And their eldest son joined the army on 9/11/07. You couldn't write fiction better then this. And this puts energy on the table which has been a political loser for Democrats all year.

Its a fantastic pick. You gotta love Mac's thinking on this - a runner up to Miss Alaska, NRA card carrying, state chief executive that puts the issues of energy, experience and reform on the table (reform read: she's the one that helped kill "the bridge to no where" and directed the AG to investigate corruption by members in her own state party). Not to mention she has an 80% approval rating in Alaska. Which means she can effectively communicate her ideas - you don't get an approval rating like that by allowing your opponents to define you, that's for certain.

The base is fired up on talk radio and the blogs. The crowd she addressed was bursting with energy, it's a great momentum swing for MAC, and my favorite part of all? Twice during the first ever McCain-Palin rally in Ohio this morning, the entire (large) crowd broke into a a clear chant ... not "yes we can", not "we need change", not even their candidates name, but rather echoing through the chambers and hallways in that auditorium in middle America one could hear the deafening cry "U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A ......." Find me an Obama rally where THAT has ever happened.

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