Thursday, May 14, 2009

April 08'

Each time I click onto our site I still raise an eyebrow at that number for April, 2008: 109. Just what the hell was going on that we took to an average of just under 4 posts per day? So I clicked on it. Brother - that first page, if you read from bottom to top is "classic" Bund rifting. Hard intellectual debate combined with rapier wit (no "h"), and stinging personal insults (a crowd favorite no doubt). You guys simply must reread that first page. And come to think of it, it is possible to down load each month onto a single disc or floppy is it not? Just in case Obama filters the Internet to avoid any unflattering debate, I'd like to always have a hard copy stored & update it twice a year or so. Not to mention as a keepsake to show my heirs just what a steel trap mind I (& my friends) once had when they're changing my depends and wiping the drool from my mouth at 98 years old. So Titus, get on that - after all you're the tech savvy one, Jambo's the published writer, and I'm the silver tongued good looking one ... hehe.

{oh, and the "subject de jure" for April 2008? Gas was at a sudden $3.60 a gallon & on its way up with a bullet: energy policy was on our minds}

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