Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Miss California

So the very "eccentric" (read: greasy + $500 mil) Donald Trump, whom owns the Miss USA & Miss Universe pageants is holding a press conference at 11a.m. NEPA time to announce the fate of Miss CA, Carrie Prejan. Apparently he owns "Miss" all the way down to the county fair and due to her "risque" (although not fully exposed) photos that "mysteriously" emerged post contest, she could lose the California crown.

Do you know what I find hyper ironic in all of this?

1.) Donald Trump is charged with passing a moral judgment on a woman's character. Let me say that again, Donald Trump is ... never mind.

2.) A violation of the "Miss" contract apparently includes not nude, but the existence of any past or future "scantly clothed" photos - this from a contest that REQUIRES said women to prance around in a bikini AS PART OF THE CONTEST ON NATIONAL TELEVISION.

3.) What is at the heart of all this "photo" controversy: her answer on gay (confederate) marriage. She essentially has the same view on same sex marriage as President Obama's stated position (not to mention 70% of America, and 60% of Californians). And whom do you suppose the vast majority of those same "outraged" gay activists voted for? I could hazard an educated guess.

4.) Name Miss USA.

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