Thursday, May 14, 2009

No wonder they're neutral!

With these laws they can't field an army. . .

Sweden Rules Gender-Selective Abortions Legal

By Kathleen Gilbert

STOCKHOLM, May 12, 2009 ( - Swedish health authorities have ruled that it is not illegal to kill a healthy unborn child based simply on its gender, according to Swedish news service The Local.

Doctors had asked health authorities about the matter after a woman from southern Sweden had two of her children killed in utero for being an undesired sex. The woman had already given birth to two daughters.

The gender was determined during an amniocentesis requested to determine whether the child had a disability.

Concerned doctors at Mälaren Hospital then asked Sweden's National Board of Health and Welfare to determine a protocol for future instances in which they "feel pressured to examine the foetus's gender" without a medical necessity.

The medical board responded that such requests must be accommodated.

According to Swedish law, abortion is legal on any basis whatsoever up to the 18th week of gestation, and therefore the board said doctors cannot deny a mother seeking to have an unborn child killed because it is the wrong gender.

A medical ethics consultant told The Local in March that mothers regularly travel to Sweden from Norway, where sex-selective abortions are illegal, to abort unwanted girls. SOURCE

As you certainly noticed I used a pro-life source for this story and for good reason. I'm quite tired of masking what is by every definition infanticide, with these socially nondescript phrases like "choice." Would you like fries with that? THAT is a choice, this is exterminating children.

Now, I would like each of you to try a little experiment. Find a pro-choice person in your life. And very non confrontational, very passively, ask them. Ask them if they agree with the Swedes. Then stand back, quietly, and watch them twist, turn, squirm, defer, qualify, re ask the question, etc etc etc. Because they can't reconcile where the ultimate logic goes as a supporter of abortion.

And you can walk away with a smile on your face because being pro-life is not only the moral position, it is the only intellectually honest position, able to follow its reasoning to its' logical end with no hesitation.

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