Monday, May 4, 2009

Sometimes the choir NEEDS to be preached to.

Hmmm . . .

I just spent the last several minutes catching up on every post since my last, which was in March - yes, I skipped an entire month. Now, I'm not one that's ever been "addicted" to any substance, never even tried drugs, not even once, though I will admit to consuming amounts of alcohol on occasion sufficient to make an alcoholic blush, let alone a penny. However, I must imagine that intellectually the "detox" of withdrawing from the Bund and having only coworkers et al with whom I discussed religion, politics, history and the world at large is similar to say, a crystal Meth addict being put into a sober tank - lots of sweating at first, followed by screaming. Some sleep deprivation leading into full on insomnia. Some hallucinations (or so I thought, it turns out Obama is indeed president & his policies are really being enacted), only ending in a realization 180 degrees from any recovered addict - I NEED THIS STUFF TO BE HEALTHY!

We all understand the obvious here - there is so little posting because there is so little disagreement on how unbelievably bereft of history, sound financial/military policy and just plain common sense this administration is. However, as my title eludes to from time to time, in a world where President Barak H. Obama enjoys a 60% approval rating by explaining that America got it wrong the first 233 years, I NEED to check in for confirmation that I'm not the only sane man in the room. It matters little to me whether we all agree on every subject and every issue from now until the 2nd Coming (at which time we can have our final argument and clear up this pesky "God's true Church on earth" issue), because the quality of insight, reassurance and original perspective on any given issue here is worth its weight in Obama era gold. Where else am I going to be pleasantly surprised about a damned fine parallel between Queen Elizabeth and Ronald Reagan (oh, sorry is that not what you meant? A political "savior" riding in on a white horse and restoring the traditional grandeur and pride of a great nation? That's what I got out of it ... hehe)?

So, my absence is an action I intend not to repeat. As for Titus, like a supple Siren temptress the other posting boards promised him a bounty of ripe conversation, and to tickle the fancy of his ever pleasure. Yet he found her, in the end, to be a home-wrecking Jezebel, heavy on the eye make-up, incapable of sustaining more thoughts then orgasms, and so he is back, rededicated to his one true intellectual love promising to never stray into ill advised adulteress arms again. And while Jambo's posts have been no more frequent then Titus, at least he returns my deluge of text messages . . ."ahem."

Now, for my contribution to our much needed sanctum of reason and perspective, our "Bund Batcave", I offer this:

What concerns me most about our president is how much he loves this country. Surprised to hear that are you? I thought so. But lets peel an inch or so deeper. My meaning is his love for what this country "should be." What it is "capable of being." It is my serious contention that when he speaks of "delivering on America's great promise", he means to tell us all that the original ideals of liberty laid down by the Founding Fathers were never realized, only discussed, espoused, pondered, but never delivered. When he talks in terms of "we tried it their way", most pundits, being the historically devoid, blow dried, hair dyed, milk toast, thought Jacobins they are, nod along assuming he means to say "we tried it Bush's way." I tend to take people at their word, what they do say, not what they "meant." "Their way" is to mean the previous 233 years of American exceptionalism that he finds somehow, unacceptable, insufficient. In that time span this one country of ours has been the engine that caused more ingenuity, prosperity and liberty then arguably the 5000 years prior to its existence. In that time man has gone from a primary mode of transportation of ox & cart to propelling himself onto the moon. The cause of advancement in medicine, science, war making and defense, financial prosperity, all spearheaded (not necessarily invented) within our shores. But most importantly, at the heart of it all, we have engaged in the greatest experiment in liberty the world has ever seen. And Mr. Obama seems to think those two events are mutually exclusive. As if the unprecedented prosperity in every field imaginable was somehow spurred on by accident or by happenstance rather then the greatest unleashing of human potential, via our Constitution, history has ever witnessed. I find this curious in the extreme. And in trying to correct what he sees as a failed experiment he has displayed monumental hubris to quite literally believe that one can "wipe out" ever instance of poverty ... indeed every instance of necessity of every kind. And frightening for any aware American is knowing that the dust heap of history is stacked high with nation states that believed that such a "guarantee" was the inherent entitlement of her peoples. The heirs of a nation whose unprecedented prosperity was built by embracing the sanctity of the rugged individual, private property rights, and the acknowledgement of God's role in our society, are wildly cheering on a man for rejecting these very principles and advertising collectivism as our future, and I am struck dumbfounded at that reality.

Any man with a child needs to take a walk with his children. But a very specific walk . . . one through a military graveyard. Walk along the headstones, read a name or two out loud to your offspring. Don't say much more then that as you stroll, let them absorb the magnitude of the sacrifice all around them. Then at the end tell them. Tell them that great nations can fall if good men do not stand up to defend them ... to lead them. Make sure they understand how unique a moment in time America is. That we can fade away. And whether it's in their daily life or on a grand scale they have a duty, not an entitlement, to America.

"Though, when a people shall have become incapable of governing themselves and fit for a master, it is of little consequence from what quarter he comes."

-George Washington, Letter to Lafayette, 1788

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