Saturday, May 23, 2009

"Tout est pour le mieux..."

"... dans le meilleur des mondes possibles."

Oh, how Voltaire would have recognized his Candide in our new President! "All is for the best, in the best of all possible worlds!"

Today, in front of a graduating class of a thousand midshipman destined for the Navy and Marine Corps, President Obama said that he would only send these men and women "into harm's way when absolutely necessary." Seems only common sense, right? What President or Commander-in-Chief would do otherwise, right?

But by saying this WHEN and WHERE he did, he was questioning the value that his predecessor placed on the lives of the soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines that DID come into harm's way between 2001 and 2009, and that not only demeans Bush but demeans the very Office Obama now occupies by suggesting that ANYONE could be elected President of the United States and NOT understand how important the safety and security of ALL Americans are to the man and the office.

Once again, we see that Obama is building his administration, his legacy and his Presidency around the central fact that he IS NOT G. W. BUSH. Everything he is doing depends on America seeing that Bush = BAD, so anything NOT Bush = GOOD. I still don't know if the man is capable of the depth of thought needed to lie this effectively to the American people... but I no longer question the depth of his naivety or the simplistic... almost elementary... nature of his world-view.

"All is for the best, in the best of Obama's world."

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