Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Representative Carrie Prejean (R) CA?

I have to say, Miss California, "Carrie" as she asked me to call her (hehe), in 8 minutes was more passionate, articulate and showed more backbone then most of the GOP leadership since 2006 put together. This was the ultimate cross section of pop culture and politics - this morning Trump & she held the press conference announcing her "fate" as a state crown holder. Trump summarily announced that she was to maintain it (while trashing the now poultry ratings of his rival pageant the Miss America contest, he is Trump after all). And at Trumps request, she then launched into a statement that covered a range from her grandfather's heroism serving under Patton to her own Christian convictions, basically noting that she wouldn't lay them aside for pop culture PC. I was impressed - not just because she was both beautiful & articulate, but because she said all this, believes all this, is publicly passionate about all this, at 21 years of age. THAT is as impressive as her unbelievably gifted appearance.

She & Palin ought to go do fundraisers together . . . they'll get me to attend, I assure you. And in writing that it occurs to me - is this the future of the GOP? Are all of the men too weak kneed, Lilly livered and all around so incapable of articulating a conservative message that the rank & file now have to rely on BEAUTY PAGEANT winners to carry that message forward? Hmmm ... given the hours I spend watching politics, perhaps this is a fortunate turn of events.

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