Saturday, May 30, 2009

3/5th a firefighter.

Racism is under new management. The old cliche' that minorities "can't be racist because they are in a minority", so says Al Sharpton, is officially debunked. The PoTUS is a minority, and soon another member of the SCOTUS will be. Yes left wingers, ANOTHER. FYI: Clarence Thomas is a minority, with just as a compelling "story." Funny ... I didn't hear these same "compelling story" reasons with Miguel Estrada or Attorney General Roberto Gonzalez, let alone Associate Justice Thomas. One of whom came from "nothing" and through his service in the US Air Force earned a spot at a top law school.

And this serves as a lesson for the GOP. The word is out - to oppose this woman is to alienate Hispanic voters. Please ... don't insult my intelligence. Bush promotes the first Hispanic Attorney General to the United States. He then tries to put Mr. Estrada on the Supreme Court. Both he and his GOP nominee successor (one John Sydney McCain) backed what was by all accounts amnesty for illegal (by far mainly Hispanic) immigrants. WHAT ELSE COULD THE GOP DO?

My message to my GOP representatives: think about this. Their strategy is to pick someone we "can't attack", EVEN on legitimate grounds because of her race, and your plan is to make that plan work by shutting up?

Under different pretences this woman would have been quite comfortable with the majority on the Dredd Scott Court, and we need to say so.

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