Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"Do as I say ..."

Just a quick note here: some time back the PoTUS exclaimed with great passion that: " ... you can't go using corporate jets, flying off to Vegas with [using] tax payer money."

That created quite the firestorm here in town, we are after all a place to conduct serious business be it conventions, net working, demos of new product lines etc; and in the 45 days following his irresponsible comments we had 200 corporate conventions cancel, costing our fair city an estimated $100 million dollars. Not all as a result of his comments to be sure, but the sudden, sharp drop immediately following his statement isn't seen as a coincidence in this town I can assure you. Several corporations flat out admitted that it was the President's warning according to the Las Vegas Convention Center. One was quite high profile, Goldman Sachs. They canceled noting that the corporate and government "climate" at this point had caused them to make "location adjustments." They went to San Fransisco instead, where they paid an average of 20% more for lodging and convention space ... brilliant, just brilliant.

I mention this all today because this morning the president wrapped up a 2 day visit here to sunny Las Vegas to do a fundraiser for Harry Reid.

Now let me get this straight: The president went to Vegas, in a private jet, all on the tax payer dime, to conduct business.

I see.

1 comment:

Titus said...


A hit... a palpable hit!