Friday, October 2, 2009

The dating game presents ...

Are you watching this?

The "Chicago Olympic Delegation" is live as I write this in Copenhagen, Denmark and is presenting its' 45 minute presentation to the IOC with the 9 participants sitting below and in front of the IOC like anxious participants in a game show ... and among the 9 in the plastic white indifferent stand, sitting below the IOC, is the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and the First Lady. One at a time each are making their way to a podium like a Jersey lawyer presenting his case to the judge in a mafia crime family case with our president as the council in chief. All that's missing is an old man with an oxygen tank & attached mask.

Are we serious? With Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, health care, the border, deficit spending to the point of crumbling the US Dollar, our Commander-in-Chief is sitting as a game show contestant waiting for his turn to spin the wheel for Bob Barker? It's plain embarrassing.

20 year mayor Richard Daily is one of the 9, he just spoke. Think about that for a second, TWENTY YEAR MAYOR OF CHICAGO. Who the hell is mayor of anywhere for 20 years? Only a "Daily" can accomplish that. But here is something more to the point ...

... Barak Heussein Obama is a child, a product, the greatest home run of the Chicago political machine in the history of their city. Just 5 years ago he was an Illinois State Senator. FIVE YEARS AGO. My point being? Is there any doubt that this bid, the VERY FIRST sitting US President soliciting the IOC from an undifferentiated wide seated white plastic panel arranged game show style desk, is NOTHING MORE than old fashioned Boss Tweed, St. Tammany Hall style patronage, grist of the highest order, in the highest level of government? There is an estimated $16 billion dollars up for grabs for the winning city for private sector vendors, real estate moguls and "friends of the Mayor" of all stripes (although the public (non) revenue result will be a ballooning of the $469 million Chicago deficit to $729 million - police, security, public works, etc, etc).

Well, Obama is up soon. He will be the "Olympic solicitor general." I can't imagine EVEN HE, a "citizen of the world", a "leader of the world" (versus being a world leader by being the American president) hasn't already secured the outcome. Not a conspiracy theory, just public management - no way he goes to make a personal pitch without knowing the outcome.

If I'm wrong it marks not just an embarrassing loss, but the affirmation that this is a very, very dangerous man presiding over even more dangerous times.

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